Narrative Therapy: The Basics

Someone told me recently that not everybody deals with the challenging aspects of life by pretending they're a character in some epic tale. 'That's narcissistic' they said. Incredulous I just shrugged and went on my merry way to start The Plotline©.

And now we're here.

After all, aren’t we all just characters in our own stories, playing out scenes that are sometimes messy, often beautiful, but always uniquely ours?

Through the lens of narrative therapy, I've unearthed a secret weapon for healing — one that involves stepping into the roles of our own protagonists and embracing the power of make-believe.

What is Narrative Therapy?

Narrative therapy is like slipping into the shoes of your favourite character in a coming-of-age novel, navigating the highs and lows of your own plot twists with grace and gusto.

It's about understanding that the stories we tell ourselves have the power to shape our realities, and that by leaning into our roles as storytellers, we can rewrite the script of our lives.

Understanding the Role of Narratives in Healing

In the grand theatre of human experience, healing narratives are the spotlight that guides us through the darkest nights and the toughest fights. Through narrative therapy, I've discovered that sometimes, the most powerful stories are the ones we create for ourselves. By channeling the courage and resilience of our favourite protagonists, we can find strength in the face of adversity and reclaim our power to shape our own destinies.

Techniques for Crafting Your Healing Narrative

Crafting a healing narrative is like diving headfirst into a world of make-believe, where anything is possible and every ending is yours to rewrite. Through journaling and therapeutic writing exercises, I've learned to embody the spirit of my favourite heroines — fierce, flawed, and unapologetically myself. It's a practice of 'pretending' with purpose, allowing ourselves to inhabit a deeper storyline that speaks to the heart of who we truly are.

At first it can feel silly but sometimes a unreality and help you get real in times of duress.

Incorporating Narrative Therapy into Your Self-Care Routine

Narrative therapy isn't just a therapeutic technique — it's a way of life, a journey of self-discovery and self-love. By infusing our daily routines with the magic of storytelling, we can tap into a wellspring of resilience and creativity that lies within us all. Whether through journaling, creative expression, or simply embracing the idea of 'acting as if', there are endless opportunities to harness the power of narrative therapy in our quest for healing.

I mean, weren't we all told to fake it until we make it?

With The Plotline© you're not faking it, you're just reframing it.

x Meghan


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