Transform Your Story: More Must-Try Narrative Therapy Journal Prompts For Today

If you're not a therapy person, the term 'Narrative therapy' might seem a little out of left field. But I promise it's a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery, allowing us to rewrite our life stories in ways that empower and uplift us.

Personal note here. When I first broke up from my long term relationship I was (naturally) devastated. Many days were spent in bed—doing nothing. Feeling sad. Even though I'd been the one to end things.

And when you're in a funk, you often can't just wake up and switch it off. It can take lots of little micro steps to get better.

And this is where The Plotline© journalling method comes in.

Through journaling, we can explore our experiences, identify patterns, and create new narratives that better reflect our strengths, values, and aspirations.

The Plotline© journal comes with it's own specific prompts to help you step into character. However, here are a few extra narrative therapy journal prompts to try today, each designed to help you delve deeper into your story and uncover new insights.

1. What Would a Positive Plot Twist in Your Life Look Like?

In every story, plot twists can bring unexpected changes, leading to new directions and opportunities. Take a moment to envision a positive plot twist in your life. What would it look like?

Perhaps it’s a dream job offer, a chance encounter that leads to a meaningful relationship, or an unexpected opportunity to travel and explore new horizons. Write about this positive plot twist in detail. How does it make you feel? What changes does it bring to your daily life and long-term goals?

Reflecting on a positive plot twist can help you identify what you truly desire and inspire you to take steps toward making it a reality. It also reinforces a sense of hope and possibility, reminding you that your story is still unfolding and that good things can happen when you least expect them.

2. What Would a Negative Plot Twist in Your Life Look Like?

While we often focus on the positive, acknowledging the potential for negative plot twists is equally important. Life can be unpredictable, and sometimes, we face challenges and setbacks that disrupt our plans.

Consider what a negative plot twist might look like for you. It could be a job loss, a health crisis, or a significant relationship ending.

Write about this scenario in detail, exploring your feelings and fears.

By confronting these possibilities head-on, you can better prepare yourself emotionally and mentally. Understanding that negative plot twists are a part of life can also help you build resilience and develop coping strategies, ensuring that you can navigate challenges with grace and strength.

3. Think About a Personal Challenge You've Been Through Recently. How Did You Grow as a Result? This Is Your Character Arc.

Every great story features a character arc, where the protagonist undergoes significant growth and transformation. Reflect on a personal challenge you've faced recently. How did you grow as a result of this experience?

Maybe you learned to set boundaries in your relationships, discovered a new passion or skill, or developed a deeper sense of empathy and understanding.

Write about this character arc, focusing on the lessons learned and the ways in which you have evolved.

Recognizing your growth not only validates your efforts but also reinforces your ability to overcome obstacles. It highlights your resilience and adaptability, reminding you that even in difficult times, you have the capacity to grow and thrive.

4. If Your Life Was a Film, How Would You Describe the Theme? Identity? Redemption? Resilience?

Imagine your life as a film. What would be the central theme? Is it a journey of self-discovery and identity, a story of redemption and second chances, or a testament to resilience and perseverance?

Reflect on the overarching theme of your life’s story. Write about the key moments and experiences that define this theme, and consider how they have shaped who you are today.

Understanding the theme of your life’s story can provide clarity and perspective, helping you to see the bigger picture and recognize the patterns that have influenced your journey.

It also allows you to take ownership of your narrative, empowering you to shape your future in ways that align with your core values and aspirations.

To sum it all up, Narrative therapy journaling might feel unusual when you first try it but it truly offers a unique opportunity to explore your life’s story, identify meaningful themes, and create new narratives that reflect your true self.

By engaging with these prompts, you can gain deeper insights into your experiences, develop greater self-awareness, and cultivate a sense of empowerment and possibility.

As you write, remember that your story is ever-evolving, and you have the power to influence its direction. Embrace the process, trust in your ability to grow and change, and allow your journaling practice to be a source of inspiration and healing.

If you'd like to level up your journal practice, get your own The Plotline© journal here.


Narrative Therapy: The Basics


Effective Journaling Techniques for Stress Relief: Calm Your Mind and Body Today