Behind The Scenes on ‘Act One’

July's script is filled with positive plot twists as we wrap 'Act One' - The Plotline©'s first-ever campaign shoot. Our website's had a makeover, trading its minimalist look for something with a bit more star power. And us? We're feeling inspired, ready for the next scene. Here are some BTS shots.

Model: Alexandra Pruchniewicz

Photographer: Jason Zambelli

Hair and makeup: Angie Barton

Anyone who’s organised a brand shoot knows it’s a balance between creative storytelling and needing to be commercially viable! It’s actually more of a dance. And lord help you if your budget is tighter than a Haiku. 

So in order to get everything we needed we created a storyline. 

She’s a person planning her story. Her new beginning. Her reinvention. 

She’s inspired by the world but she’s also concerned about the things she’s reading in the news. 

She exists in a time period that’s modern but nostalgic. Like a mix between the 90s and the early 2000s where the internet was alive but still wild and bookstores still existed as third places to escape to.

A time where the analog and the digital truly coexisted and we all weren’t just pieces of data. 

That’s where The Plotline© lives and it’s where, on this shoot at least, our model lives too. 

And then we have our founder shots. Our founder is me. 

xox Meghan


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