Behind The Scenes on ‘Act One’
Meghan Mctavish Meghan Mctavish

Behind The Scenes on ‘Act One’

July's script is filled with positive plot twists as we wrap 'Act One' - The Plotline©'s first-ever campaign shoot. Our website's had a makeover, trading its minimalist look for something with a bit more star power. And us? We're feeling inspired, ready for the next scene.

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The Science Of Storytelling: Why Journaling Your Life As A Movie Script Works
Meghan Mctavish Meghan Mctavish

The Science Of Storytelling: Why Journaling Your Life As A Movie Script Works

You're sitting in a dimly lit room, hunched over a typewriter like a modern-day Hemingway, except instead of the next great American novel, you're penning the script of your life. Sounds absurd, right? But here's the kicker – it's not absurd at all. In fact, it might just be the key to unlocking your potential, or at the very least, making sense of this tragicomedy we call life.

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Narrative Therapy: The Basics
Meghan Mctavish Meghan Mctavish

Narrative Therapy: The Basics

Narrative therapy is like slipping into the shoes of your favourite character in a coming-of-age novel, navigating the highs and lows of your own plot twists with grace and the hero of the story is you.

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